Credit: CPB Contractors



Our team of Access Consultants take a leading role in the delivery of accessibility projects and provide practical and effective solutions to complex problems. Our specialists consult on all aspects of relevant accessibility legislation, such as the Disability Discrimination Act, the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards, 2010 (“The Premises Standards”) and the National Construction Code (NCC). Many are also Access Institute qualified with Access Consulting post-graduate training and education, allowing us to provide a comprehensive range of accessibility consultancy services.

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Key Services


Access Code + Regulations

As accredited and Access Institute qualified access consultants, we are up-to-date with all relevant legislative requirements applying to existing buildings and new developments. We know all the codes so that you don’t have to worry about the regulations. We work proactively with architects, building designers, builders, project managers and developers to achieve designs that meet all relevant accessibility requirements while also ensuring that design intent is maintained.

Universal Design

Universal Design is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of age, size, ability or disability. Through our consulting services, we can help you incorporate universal access design into your projects, resulting in a more user-friendly development for all occupants. Early design involvement is crucial to achieving best outcomes.

Livable + Accessible Housing

We cover all levels of Livable Housing Standards required by the apartment design guide and SEPP 65 and assist with design compliance to meet the relevant livable standards. Since Adaptable Housing is required by most local council Development Control Plans and policies for residential developments, we provide design assessment for compliance with AS4299-1995 and advice on adaptability measures for a building’s design. Specialising in Special Disability Accommodation and LHA projects, our team offers services ranging from design and construction assessments to feasibility, property advice, designing, planning and approvals.

Access Performance Solutions

When you cannot strictly adhere to the Deemed-to-Satisfy requirements of the National Construction Code, a performance-based solution will be required. We have in-depth knowledge of the Access to Premises Standards for existing buildings, which allows us to competently assess the “affected part” relating to new works. Our access performance solutions give a common-sense approach to non-compliance issues, or where more innovative approaches are needed. We provide reasonable, cost-effective options to achieve compliance for existing buildings or buildings with heritage requirements.

Events Planning

Event accessibility is a much misunderstood and contentious topic. The way built environments and social activities are constructed can make it difficult for people with disabilities to easily access facilities. Our extensive experience working with major event organisers allows us to create practical accessibility and inclusion plans, helping to ensure the whole event is accessible to the entire community. Failure to successfully plan for the needs of people with disabilities at all stages presents a significant risk to organisers.

Master Planning Reviews

We undertake reviews of masterplan designs to assess access compliance. An early-stage accessibility review is essential for design compliance, giving the design team the assurance needed to move forward with the design. Being engaged by developers and architects early in the process allows for a more seamless integration of accessible design features, while helping to incorporate key principles and address compliance issues. Making alterations late in the process can be costly and cause major delays.

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

Accessibility requirements for building developments are becoming increasingly complicated. Our team of experts can help you properly take account of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) as it applies to building access, educational facilities and transport facilities. Through early intervention, construction phase inspections, compliance advice and formulating disability action plans, we help ensure that developments achieve compliance with relevant DDA accessibility requirements.

Design – Access

We provide practical design solutions for barrier-free access to building premises, ensuring that your design and build are accessible to every member of the public. Accessibility concept and planning reviews start from the outset of the project and continue through the key stages, so that the project is designed correctly for access, avoiding costly redesign later. We follow state and local council requirements to achieve compliant solutions.

Building Upgrades - Access

Although legislation requires that existing buildings be upgraded for accessibility, the extent is limited to the “affected part” of the path of travel. It is important to know the parameters of mandatory upgrade requirements. Using our extensive knowledge and experience in accessibility standards for building upgrades, we can undertake premises audits to identify the best access solution for your specific building.

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Jensen Hughes ensures non-discrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact the Jensen Hughes Compliance Team at 410-737-8677 or